The Governor of Texas constantly uses the border as a political tool to fire up his base. He holds press conferences pointing the finger at Biden. He loads up migrants in buses and ships them off to other states. He expresses his outrage on TV and online so his base roots him on.

Dems point the finger back at republicans and point out how evil republicans are to migrants and how unfair they are to people trying to start a new life in America.

Finger pointing back and forth yet not one thing is being done about this problem. They are not working together to try and figure something out. Why is this happening? Could it be that this border crisis is a great way to raise money? Could it be some kind of propaganda-flinging to fire up each party’s base?

Just imagine if the two parties got together and began fixing the problem. Bipartisan solutions? In 2022? If that were to happen then the Texas Governor can’t get behind the mic to prove how much of a hero he is to his base. If that were to happen, then Biden couldn’t prove how caring he is to migrants.

This issue could be fixed. They don’t want to fix it. Ask each side what solutions they have other than pointing the finger at the other side. Finger pointing is all they know. Finger pointing is what raises money. If the problem goes away, they can’t point to the other side. They can’t raise money. They don’t want that.