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BREAKING! Trump Calling Election a ‘SCAM’ as Harris Rises in Polls

Trump’s continued attacks on Harris’ rise stir fears he could question election outcome if he loses in November. He’s at it again. Finding ways to get in that White House no matter what. He was quiet when running against Biden because he was leading in the polls. Now that the polls are tighter and in some cases Harris leading in key states; Trump is back at questioning the election and stirring up propaganda.

BREAKING! UAW Files Charges Against Trump and Elon Musk

Two clueless rich billionaires getting together can only mean big trouble. When they begin to talk and compare notes, it can only mean problems for the American people. When they chat and laugh at things they did to the average blue collar American worker; it can only mean problems. Well, that’s exactly what the UAW witnessed and they’re not taking this sitting down.

Battle of the Divas: AOC vs MTG

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Marjorie Taylor Greene takes on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for this week’s Diva Debate in a head to head match. They both have a message for the American people and the people have spoken. Watch as they show their communication skills and take each other on! Become a Truthkast member for more videos like this: Be sure to like, subscribe and join: Visit our website: Listen to our 24-hour live radio:

Trump Goes Into ‘Crowd Size’ RAGE at ‘Panic News Conference’

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Donald Trump holds this totally bonkers news conference raging about crowd size claiming Kamala Harris is only bringing in 1,000 people while he brings in 100,000 at his rallies. He rambles, yells and rages on how ‘fake news’ is lying about the Democrat’s turnaround. It’s a must-see video to watch how this man is cracking before our very eyes. Become a Truthkast member for more videos like this: Be sure to like, subscribe and join: Visit our website:

BREAKING – Melania Trump Not Going Back To White House

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Melania does not want to go back to White House if Trump wins. We’re also talking about election certification and what we need to be concerned about. Become a Truthkast member for more videos like this: Be sure to like, subscribe and join: Visit our website:

Another Trump Campaign Promise Accomplished by Democrats

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Trump has been making a campaign promise that he said will be implemented on day one. Little did he know that Biden was working on it for months. Trump is not a happy camper. Americans are VERY happy. Become a Truthkast member for more videos like this: Be sure to like, subscribe and join: Visit our website:

Urgent Warning! Group of bipartisan Lawyers sounding alarm about Trump

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Donald Trump is at it again with the big lie about rigged election. Now that the polls are getting closer in key states, Trump is getting louder with his chants of “Rigged” “Fake” election. His rallies are getting louder as he continues with the big lie. Will this be a repeat of the 2020 election?