News Opinion Report reveals Fox Audience transformed after viewing CNN for One Month By truthkastApril 6, 20222 min read9 views According to a new research, Fox News viewers who were paid to watch CNN for 30…Continue reading... Share By truthkast0
Opinion How Party Lines Are Slowly Killing This Country By truthkastApril 5, 20222 min read10 views The heart of the Congress has been hollowed out today. Both parties’ pragmatists who represent swing…Continue reading... Share By truthkast0
Opinion Opinion: US needs more leaders with the guts to stand up to purists on the left and the right By truthkastApril 3, 20225 min read9 views Congress is a rough place. Partisan tensions regularly boil over into nasty debates with overheated rhetoric…Continue reading... Share By truthkast0
News The Amazon Labor Union Supporters Rejoiced in NY after Their Triumph. By truthkastApril 2, 20221 min read7 views Christian Smalls, an Amazon Labor Union organizer, would want to thank Jeff Bezos for traveling into…Continue reading... Share By truthkast0
News Bill Gates backing the start-up of hydropanels that make water out of air By truthkastMarch 30, 20222 min read9 views They’re similar to solar panels, but instead of producing energy, they generate water. Hydropanels from Source…Continue reading... Share By truthkast0
News Will Smith smacks Chris Rock at the Academy Awards By truthkastMarch 28, 20221 min read10 views Will Smith seemed to hit presenter Chris Rock in the face with an open palm and…Continue reading... Share By truthkast0