The New Donny T Podcast Show

Coming in May is a new show that gets inside the head of a very special person; Donny T! He promises no lies and everything he says is the TRUTH. What you may think are lies are actually facts (in his head). You’ll be enlightened, excited and entertained! The all-new Donny T Podcast will teach you things you never knew. You will be able to enter this universe of alternate facts and may never get out. Sit back, relax and grab hold because Donny T is in control.
A MUST SEE: Pastor Blasts Trump and his Bible!

A North Carolina Pastor did not hold back when he shared his thoughts on the Trump Bible. He made it clear that if you are a true Christian, you cannot bring politics into the church. He gave specific details on what being a Christian is all about and what the bible stands for. He went on to say that creating you own version of the Bible is basically blasphemy. This is a video that everyone in the MAGA camp need to watch over and over again.