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Marjorie Taylor Greene Raises Millions By Being As OUTRAGEOUS As Possible.

In the current political landscape, it is no secret that the most effective way to secure funds for one’s campaign is to adopt a highly controversial stance. The individuals who make the most noise tend to attract substantial financial support from both the radical left and the radical right. Prominent figures such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Jim Jordan have grasped the dynamics of modern fundraising. They have become adept campaign fundraisers by capitalizing on the concept that more exposure on television equates to more financial backing. This trend is rapidly spreading to other politicians who are keen to emulate the success of these seasoned campaigners. The prevailing strategy seems to prioritize generating a significant buzz through being vociferous, contentious, and confrontational, often overshadowing the objective of effectively governing and legislating. Marjorie Taylor Greene, in particular, has mastered the art of being loud, obnoxious, and provocative, thereby maximizing her fundraising potential. Her approach is to seize any opportunity to make audacious statements, promptly dispatching texts and emails to her supporters with headlines that read, “Look At What I Did For You.” The pivotal question that arises is: Who are the contributors supporting this seemingly outlandish conduct? It is the radical elements on both the right and the left ends of the political spectrum who are the primary patrons of this political theater. These individuals, often immersed in ideologically driven media, are eager to allocate their hard-earned funds to sustain this spectacle, perpetuating a cycle where controversial rhetoric is rewarded with financial reinforcement. Just watch this video highlighting just some of the things Marjorie Taylor Greene has done and said. One after another these are just a few of her money-making antics.

4 SHOCKING INTERVIEWS: MAGA Cult Becoming More Radical. It’s No Longer Funny.

It’s now come to where Donny’s followers no believe ANYTHING other than what he tells them. For those that don’t believe this is not a cult, take the time to watch these four interviews. These people represent a large portion of the Trump base. They worship him like he’s the second coming. We’ve heard all that before but the problem now is they all refuse to believe reality. They have created their own universe where the only truth lies with their cult leader. You’ll hear the same narrative with all these separate interviews. Each person basically says the same thing. They refuse to believe the truth. They worship Donald Trump. The believe that the truth lies with Trump himself. AND, Trump can do and say whatever he wants and they will support him to the end.

China’s President Xi and Russia’s Putin are ready for a ‘new world order’.

While America is trying to get their act together. While infighting continues and the country has never been so divided, China’s President Xi is ready to pounce calling for a ‘new world order.’ Russia’s leader Putin is all for it! Abandoning the summit represents a significant shift in China’s foreign policy. In recent years, President Xi seemed determined to position China as a Western alternative. However, he is now strategically repositioning his nation as a direct adversary, prepared to forge a bloc that counters the United States, its allies, and the international institutions they uphold. The United States doesn’t seem concerned. They should be.

Trump: “The Judge Is Holding Me Here! I Can’t Leave! HOWEVER, I’m Going Golfing Tomorrow.”

ALL of Donald Trump’s cult believe everything he says. He has free rein to do and say whatever he wants because his followers will believe and support him no matter what. This freedom allows him to be as outrageous and radical as he wants. He can lie about anything and still get the full support of his cult. That’s the playbook of a dictator and a cult leader. So for those that don’t believe they are supporting a wannabe dictator / cult leader; take a close look at this man’s lies and actions. The definition of Cult is: “a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing. Similar: ‘obsession with’ ‘fixation on’ ‘mania for’ ‘passion for’ ‘idolization of’ If you are a Trump supporter, you are a part of the cult. Just take a look at one of his hate rallies. The people with these huge Trump flags, shirts, hats and banners with Trump next to Jesus. IT’S A CULT. Are you giving money to him? Giving money to a billionaire? Sending your hard-earned dollars to a BILLIONAIRE? Is that rational thinking? That’s a cult. Watch the latest episode of ‘Stuck In The Middle Radio Show’. Let’s talk about this.