As much as it’s hard to say, republicans know how to get things done. It’s almost evil the way they move forward with their agenda. The thing with the republicans is that they move forward as one. They have one message, one goal, zero arguments. One could say this is not democratic but they’re productive….
Author: truthkast
It takes war to bring Sean and Sean together
Two polarized opposites came together on the Fox News set for a discussion about the Ukraine war. Surprisingly, they both agreed on just about everything. Sean Hannity invited Sean Penn on his show to discuss Penn’s experience in Ukraine. They shared ideas and suggestions while being polite and rational. It was almost surreal watching the…
Learn how to help the people of Ukraine
Learn more at + keep up with the global pledging summit hosted by @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen and Canadian PM @JustinTrudeau on Saturday (April 9!) to see what happens when the world comes together as ☝️ONE☝️ to help those most in need:
Mainstream media is the root cause of US cracking
Making money on TV and radio news now means expressing opinions, frustrations and anger. This gives the viewers their daily dose of outrage. These slanted news opinions also feed the viewer’s addiction to rage. This rage was caused and created by these news channels. It’s an endless cycle. This slanted media product generates millions of…
Tribalism destroying what makes America great
We had to share this opinion that was sent to the News Tribune on August 11, 2021 by Mike Barnhill. It reflects what state our country is in and how we as Americans are acting. Dear Editor: Is America up to the task of self-governing or submit to “tribalism,” which is destroying what truly makes…
Looking at other parties; The Forward Party
Tired of the political mudslinging? Are you tired of the left and right back and forth fighting? This country has never been so divided since the civil war. Many blame this because tribalism is out of control and the two-party system is helping this explode. If you’re a moderate on the left or right, would…
NY AG requests court to hold Trump in contempt
On Thursday, New York Attorney General Letitia James requested a New York court to prosecute former President Donald Trump in civil contempt for allegedly refusing to comply with a court order requiring him to hand over specific papers for her investigation. In February, State Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Trump to “fully cooperate” with the attorney…
Report reveals Fox Audience transformed after viewing CNN for One Month
According to a new research, Fox News viewers who were paid to watch CNN for 30 days become more suspicious and less prone to believe false news. The study by David E Brockman and Joshua L Kalla, titled “The multifarious impacts of partisan media on viewers’ beliefs and attitudes: A field experiment with Fox News…
How Party Lines Are Slowly Killing This Country
The heart of the Congress has been hollowed out today. Both parties’ pragmatists who represent swing districts — and genuinely pay attention to people from the opposing party — are on the verge of extinction. The US House of Representatives resembles a European parliament in that there is almost no cross-partisan negotiation or even discussion….
Opinion: US needs more leaders with the guts to stand up to purists on the left and the right
Congress is a rough place. Partisan tensions regularly boil over into nasty debates with overheated rhetoric that contaminate American politics. An especially pungent ugliness erupts volcanically during the nomination process for vacancies to the US Supreme Court. Enter US Senator of Maine Susan Collins, who routinely works to rise above the partisan fray in Congress,…