Young Black Conservatives? Blexit’s Vision

truthkast By truthkast2 min read8 views

We’ve been looking at different political parties throughout the past few months. This article takes a look at a growing community of young black Americans that are conservative, Republicans and Trump supporters. The organization is called Blexit.

A nonprofit organization called BLEXIT Foundation encourages young people to look for and seize chances in 21st-century America in order to enhance urban and minority areas. The group advocates for educational programs, works to improve the criminal justice system, teaches minority populations about American founding ideals, and emphasizes the value of free markets and entrepreneurship as a means of eradicating poverty. The BLEXIT Foundation accomplishes these objectives by curating BLEXIT programs, creating BLEXIT goods, holding BLEXIT events, and publishing news and comments on BLEXIT websites.

BLEXIT live events use an immersive presentation of original film, thought-provoking graphics, live music, and renowned speakers to both enhance the movement’s message and illuminate its ideas. Events like BLEXIT blur the lines between pop and politics while also serving as a rallying cry for freedom. The 2021 BLEXIT performance was titled ‘Our Liberation’.

The two founders, Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum, got together because they both wanted to improve America’s future. By emphasizing the values of the United States Constitution and the value of independence, Candace and Brandon hope to inform minorities across America about the history of our wonderful nation. The two contend that serious consideration should be given to criminal justice reform in order to reduce the overincarceration of minorities, create stable families in communities of color, and uphold the dignity and worth of every person.

BLEXIT Foundation’s vision is to change the narrative that surrounds America’s minority communities – with a particular focus on African-Americans.