Looking at other parties; The Forward Party

Tired of the political mudslinging? Are you tired of the left and right back and forth fighting? This country has never been so divided since the civil war. Many blame this because tribalism is out of control and the two-party system is helping this explode.
If you’re a moderate on the left or right, would you be open to another political party? A middle party? “No left. No right. FORWARD.” Bring in Andrew Yang! Remember him from the 2020 Presidential campaign? He left the Democratic Party and is now on the “Forward Party.” The Forward Party will support a leader that supports all Americans.
Here are their goals (as stated on the www.FowardParty.com website):
While other political parties look to divide America into different camps, the Forward Party aims to bring them together. We welcome both conservatives and liberals, independents and libertarians – anyone who is interested in solving the problems that are currently plaguing our country and is willing to debate ideas in good faith.
We will support candidates for office who align with our core principles so that we can reform the system and make it more responsive to the American people. This means that we will support Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – as well as candidates identifying themselves as Forward Party members.
We will also work with organizations that are promoting democracy reform in order to promote policies such as ranked-choice voting, nonpartisan & open primaries, and easier ballot access for third parties.
Here’s their promo video:
If you want more information about Andrew Yang’s project, go to www.ForwardParty.com