Mainstream media is the root cause of US cracking

truthkast By truthkast2 min read44 views

Making money on TV and radio news now means expressing opinions, frustrations and anger. This gives the viewers their daily dose of outrage. These slanted news opinions also feed the viewer’s addiction to rage. This rage was caused and created by these news channels. It’s an endless cycle.

This slanted media product generates millions of dollars in ad revenue. These so-called news talents get huge million dollar salaries to fire up their audience each night. Politicians join this on-air propaganda money-machine by making fools of themselves with outrageous statements and hateful radical rhetoric.

News channels like MSNBC, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax and now CNN are slanting their media more and more each year. Creating more division, tribalism and hate in this county just so they can move up in the ratings and make more money. It’s all about the money. Do you think these radical on-air personalities would do this for minimum wage? Do you think they REALLY care about what they’re talking about? All you need to do is look up the annual wages of some of these performing clowns like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and more. They get paid pretty well to fire up Americans and divide this country.

The American viewers need to wise up. They need to understand what’s really going on. They need to open their eyes to real, unbiased, neutral news. Read, listen, watch news from AP, UPI, BBC, PBS and even local news. Just get the news without the personal biased performers.

Give it 30-days and you’ll begin to notice that these slanted media performers are feeding you nothing but a bunch of garbage and hate. They want to keep you divided so you will continue to tune into their shows for the next ragefest. Read this story about a 30-day research that changed Fox News viewers opinions.