MUST SEE: Jasmine Crockett totally OBLITERATE MAGA Radical Jim Jordan. MAGA Jordan tries to claim that Trump’s conviction was a political witch hunt. He brings in a one-sided expert (MAGA) to testify. When they were done flapping their gums, Jasmine Crockett lets loose on facts that not only shuts them up but shuts them down. This will send shivers down your spine!
Category: Opinion
A Private Call of Top Democrats Fuels Speculation of Joe Biden Out
Democrats are increasingly shifting their support to Harris as Biden remains firm in his position. The vice president and her team have largely disregarded incoming calls and messages. Biden’s avoidance of public interviews following a disastrous debate is causing concern within the party, with his campaign hinging on a crucial ABC News interview.
Trump’s Disgusting Radical Scam Backfires
Trump wanted to prove how much blacks love him so he commandeered a barber shop. He had the press show up for a staged photo shoot. He loves black people so much that he didn’t show up. He called in. After the photo shoot, the owner of the shop called the local news to express how angry he was because they duped him.
It Has Not Been Just ‘One Bad Night’
What occurred on Thursday night was indicative of a larger trend. Joe Biden’s lackluster debate performance did not come out of nowhere. For the past year or so, there have been noticeable signs of Biden’s decline. Think back to when Biden first took office three and a half years ago. We saw footage of him…
The Biden Debate Aftermath: WATCH THIS and Decide
The day after the Biden Trump debate had the world buzzing. Biden went out on a rally firing attendees up while media attacked. Watch this 4-minute video to see both side. YOU decide how our country should move forward. This is a pivotal time in America’s history. We’ve never been so divided. It will be up to us on what happens next.
Here’s why it’s not Biden’s fault
MAGA has a formula for their cult members. It’s called ‘Blame Biden.’ This video reveals how it works and why it only works with the MAGA followers. Donald Trump uses this formula at all his hate rallies and the radical crown eats it up.
Why This 60-Second Trump Video is a Game-Changer!
A must-watch for every American. This new political TV video fully explains who Donald Trump is in 60-seconds. A reality slap that brings it home. A dramatic video that shows us who we’re dealing with and what will happen if we elect Donald Trump for another four years.
Jasmine Crockett’s Epic Takedown of Nancy Mace
Nancy Mace thought she could outwit, outsmart and outdo Jasmine Crockett live on the house floor. After Nancy got done flapping her gums with a suite of lies; Jasmine QUICKLY shut her down with facts and documents that left Nanc absolutely speechless.
Roseanne Barr’s Explosive On-Air MAGA breakdown
Roseanne Barr went into a MAGA-conspiracy bonkers interview that quickly went off the rails. She was quickly schooled on the other side of the screen by a Pastor that spoke the facts and TRUTH.
The Political Ad Trump Doesn’t Want You To See
Artificial Intelligence goes rogue when creating a political ad that blasts MAGA and Trump. Incredible reality slap when a child shares a nightmare he had about the election. This is a MUST SEE video that brings home what this election is all about.