
Truthkast is resolutely focused on safeguarding and upholding democracy. Launched in December 2023, Truthkast has swiftly carved out a pivotal role in the American political landscape.
Our mission commenced with two clear goals: to keep the conversation going and discuss what’s going on in this country. To provide an outlet for discussions of today’s issues that affect us all. We are unwavering in our commitment to this cause because our democratic future hinges on it.
Founded by a coalition of moderate Democrats and centrist strategists alarmed by the dangers Trumpism poses, Truthkast has grown to include a diverse range of voices united by a commitment to democracy.
Our core mission is to defend the American Republic against Donald Trump and his supporters, whether they publicly embrace the MAGA label or not. While we are hopeful about the prospects ahead, we understand the importance of vigilance.
Currently, our nation is grappling with deep-seated divisions, fueled by a burgeoning authoritarian movement backed by millions who view this struggle as essential. This extreme partisanship, combined with Ultra-MAGA elements within the government, represents a serious threat to our Constitution and Republic.
…Here’s some more:
Despite these challenges, the silent majority in America tends to hold moderate views, though these voices are often overlooked.
“It is essential for the true silent majority to rise and be acknowledged.” Unfortunately, mainstream media frequently neglects this group, and politicians rarely address their concerns.
We are not extremists; we do not align with the radical left or the far right. At this juncture, the Republican Party has largely succumbed to the MAGA agenda, with moderates either abandoning the party or being ousted. Consequently, moderate Republicans have effectively vanished. This is why Truthkast is dedicated to uniting moderate Democrats, centrists, middle Americans and independents who aspire to end the MAGA influence. Our conviction is clear: “We are a voice for Democracy.”
You can listen to us on our website, iHeart Radio, SiriusXM, Spotify and many other platforms. We ask our audience not to follow us on X as we do not want to support a radical, corrupt billionaire that bought his way into the White House with the help from the richest man on the planet.